Sorry Queen Victoria, May Two-Four Is for To-Do’s This Year

According to Canadian Tire Survey 8 in 10 Canadians plan to do Spring Cleaning this Victoria Day long weekend.
Sorry Queen Victoria, May Two-Four Is for To-Do’s This Year
Canadian Tire

Maybe it’s because Mother Nature skipped spring this year and just gave us more winter. It seem Canadians have some overdue chores to catch up on.

According to a recent survey conducted by Canadian Tire, 87% of us plan to do some home improvement this long weekend. 

Apparently industrious Ontarians will spend an average of eight hours getting their homes ready for the long-overdue summer.

Some may be planning to save the revelry as a reward for a job well done, leaving the beer and BBQ for a little later on in the Victoria Day long weekend (when there’s finally patio furniture to sit on).

Let this motivate you!

71% getting their gardens in order

56% setting up patio furniture or play structures and cleaning windows

53% putting away winter stuff and generally getting things organized